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I  D R E W  A  F I S H  H O O K , 

A N D  I T  T U R N E D  I N T O  A  F L O W E R


P H O T O G R A P H Y :  J A K E  M I C H A E L S


M U S I C : S T E P H E N  V I T I E L L O  &  M O L L Y  B E R G


N O V E M B E R  2 1 S T , 2 0 1 9 




Jake Michaels (b.1984) is a Los Angeles based photographer. He graduated from Art Center College of Design with a degree in fine arts. He is a regular contributor to the New York Times. He is part of the on-going series called " The Look" which features a unique blend of fashion and street photography. His work is always in flux. On some days it’s an exploration of aesthetics, hard lines and California color. On others it’s an investigative journey though different subcultures around the world. Lately its been a blend of the two ideas. He currently divides time between commercial and personal photography.(


Stephen Vitiello and Molly Berg met in Richmond, VA in 2007 and have stayed committed to an ongoing (if on-again, off-again) collaborative relationship ever since. Their first CD, The Gorilla Variations was released on 12k in 2008. The initial sessions for that CD began as a soundtrack for Brazilian video maker, Eder Santos. The two went on to create 2 more releases for 12k: MOSS (also with Steve Roden and Olivia Block) and Between You and The Shapes You Take. Together they make use of instruments that they do and don’t know how to play and seem to have the most productive recording sessions in offices and empty rooms rather than proper studios. 

This current album for IIKKI is perhaps a turning point, bringing in a new level of musicianship from some fantastic collaborators and working towards more complex compositional structures. 






Initiated by IIKKI, between May 2019 and October 2019,

I Drew A Fish Hook, And It Turned Into A Flower is their dialog. 






               E D I T I O N




  • Book: limited edition to 300 copies, hand numbered & hand stamped. 

      hardcover book (24 cm x 22 cm), 96 pages, 69 photos, printed on Arctic G-Snow                   150g/m2, logo, slot and circle embossed,

      matt laminate soft touch finish with selective varnish. 

     weight: 0,7 Kg

     ISBN: 978-2-9557953-9-2


  • Vinyl: limited edition to 300 copies, hand numbered. 

      DMM cut, 12'' black vinyl 180gm, matt outer sleeve + printed on 350gm paper, black              paper inners. mastered by Taylor Deupree.


  • Cd: limited edition to 200 copies, glass mastered. hand numbered.

      mastered by Taylor Deupree.

      available HERE






© 2016 - 2025  IIKKI 

  • Bandcamp - Gris Cercle
  • Instagram - Gris Cercle
  • SoundCloud - Gris Cercle
  • Vimeo - Gris Cercle
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